A user interface design project for the graduation ceremony registration system of Chulalongkorn University. The system was used by over 10,000 graduates yearly from every school in the university.
The Problem
There are over 10,000 students graduating each year from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. In Thailand, graduation/commencement ceremony is an extremely formal event where a member of the royal family participates in the ceremony as the honored person who hands diplomas directly to students. Due to such level of formality, all graduates are required to attend multiple rehearsal sessions to be qualified for attending the actual ceremony.
Also, the registrar’s office needs to collect data about graduates’ current career status through their exit survey. This leads to the requirement that all graduates must complete the survey first to acquire a ticket to attend rehearsal sessions.
So, my job was to design the user interface for these preparatory steps including, the survey, ticket printing and keeping track of rehearsal appointments.
The Design
To help get all graduates on the same page of what to do before attending rehearsal sessions, the first thing shown on the page is a brief list of steps they have to complete.
After logging in with their student account, graduates will find a checklist of what needs to be done. This is specifically designed as a checklist to shape users’ mental models about how the preparatory process works, hence, make the process easy to understand. This page also provide rehearsal attendance records for graduates so that they can make sure they are qualified for the actual ceremony.